Videography and Video Editing Toolkit

Written By: Jeta Perjuci, Julia Block

Our Unboxing the Archive: Telling Overlooked Stories through Video toolkit describes how videos are powerful forms of storytelling and tools for documenting/preserving histories. Once you have decided to use digital/video storytelling to highlight underrepresented narratives, recap an event, etc., you will face the process of crafting a video with all your findings. This toolkit provides a brief overview of the stages of video production and the steps you can take to create a comprehensive, well-produced, and engaging video narrative.

Associated Projects

1. Pre-production: Conduct Research

Pre-production: The stages of video production before you begin filming that establish the blueprint for the end product.

To start creating your video, you must consider the following questions:

  • What is your story? What do you want to convey?
  • Who do you want/need to talk to?
  • Is there a voice you want to highlight or an event you can attend to create a narrative that flows well?
    • For example: Black Women Lead Project. We wanted to highlight the project as a whole, which we did through the angle of the event in March. The story was that there was a march and celebration event through which viewers learned (by seeing) what the project entailed and heard the voices of people impacted first-hand.
  • Angle: the story’s point of view/perspective; picking an angle helps a storyteller focus on one part of a larger topic. The angle you choose can significantly impact the narrative you create. For instance, the BWLP was highlighted through the celebration event, but if there had been no event, the angle could have been the individual stories of some of the women instead, etc. However, you won’t always have an angle before filming.
    • While you want to be well-educated and prepared before conducting interviews/taking videos, go in with an open mind because you will always learn more than you anticipated. There won’t always be an event you can film at. Still, you can always interview people who have been involved with the work/project first-hand, asking them to expand on what the work is (whether that’s on camera or not) and asking about their experience. Even minor details might spark an idea or change your viewpoint/angle, giving you insight into other people you can meet/interview, places you can go, and events you can attend. To learn more about the interview project, read our Black Artists of Boston: Interview Toolkit.

2. Pre-production: Consider Platforms

  • In the current digital climate, there are countless platforms to post your videos. You’ll want to consider the specific type of platform you intend to use early in the process of creating your video. A digital platform has certain affordances that determine the capabilities of your video and shape how viewers will interact with it. Different platforms also come with different expectations, therefore you must tailor your video to a specific digital platform.
    • For example, social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok favor short videos (under three minutes). These short videos must be instantly eye-catching, display information quickly, and may be more informal than a longer branded video on YouTube.
  • The platform you choose will inform your editing style later in the process.

3. Pre-production: Collect Materials

  • You don’t need fancy equipment to create well-produced videos; A smartphone can serve all your needs, from recording interviews to capturing B-roll footage at events.
    • B-roll: supplemental footage you use to intercut the central footage. This could be footage of locations, objects, or activities related to your main story. For example, you can overlay footage of locations or objects over interview clips and add voiceovers.
  • If you have access to video equipment, that only elevates your production. Typically, all you would need is a camera, a tripod, and a working mic.
    • Tip: Check if your university or local library has equipment for rental.

4. During Production: Prepare Equipment

During Production: The stages of video production during filming in which you capture the materials you need for the end product.

  • Setting up your equipment at your chosen filming locations is a crucial step in the process. This preparation will ensure you’re ready to capture your story effectively.
  • To film speakers at events or B-roll, you can either use a tripod or hand-held camera shots. Looking ahead toward the editing process and final product, you want a variety of shots, not just static, and in the same location. It is better to have more footage than you will use than to realize you do not have enough while editing.
  • Camera settings: If applicable, adjust the settings for your camera to improve the quality of the footage.
    • For example, if you are filming with a camera, choose the video format you will use when shooting. Learn more about video formats here.

5. During Production: Filming


  • General rule: each clip of B-roll should be at least 10 seconds long; that way, you have more footage to play around with in the editing process. If you are doing a hand-held shot, try to hold the camera with both hands and use your body to balance it for stable shots – the more stable the clips are when filming, the easier it will be to adjust in the editing process.
  • Film from different angles: Not only will this portray a better feel of the environment for the viewer, but it will also give you a wider variety of clips to choose from when editing.
  • Utilize panning and zoom: Panning is the horizontal movement of the camera, while zooming is adjusting the lens to make the subject appear closer or further away. A balance of static and moving shots, including panning and zooming, will create a more interesting final piece when putting it together during editing.


  • Use a tripod.
  • When filming at an event, find one spot to film all your interviews in.
    • This makes it easier for people to find you if they want to be interviewed and creates a sense of unity throughout the video.
  • You can either have the camera facing the open room or a blank wall. Decide if you want to set up chairs for the interviewer/interviewee or if you want to conduct the interviews standing up. Set your tripod to that level.
  • Decide if you want the interviewees to look at you or the camera while answering questions.
  • Decide if you want them in the center, left, or right third of the frame.
  • When you establish the rules or the tone you are trying to capture through these interviews, try to communicate them to each interviewee before they start speaking. This professional communication ensures you are in control and get a similar shot every time.
    • For example, before you ask your questions, make sure you are already recording, and gently tell them where to stand and where to look while talking.


  • To pick up a single voice during an interview, you will most likely be using a lav or small wireless microphone.
  • If you expect the interview to be longer than a minute or two, guide the interviewee to clip the mic on their shirt, a couple of inches away from their face. Make sure it isn’t touching their hair or other pieces of clothing.
  • If the interview will only last a minute or so, you can offer to the interviewee to hold the mic if that is more convenient for them. Ensure they don’t move it around too much, hit it on something, or speak too close to it.

6. Post-production: Editing

Post-production: The stages of video production in which you transform the raw materials into a polished and shareable end product.

  • When you have all your footage, you will begin the editing process. This is done using editing software (Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, etc.). If you are not familiar with the platform, free tutorials can be found on the Internet.
  • Audio:
    • You likely have multiple clips of audio that you plan on mixing. In general, you want to make sure that clips of people speaking are at the same volume and that the background music does not overpower it.
  • Music:
    • Music plays a pivotal role in the editing process, as it can completely transform the mood and tone of your video.
    • There are numerous sites where you can find royalty-free music to elevate your narrative (, OBT Music, Pixabay, etc.).
  • Captions:
    • It is helpful to add closed captions to your video. You want to make sure the captions accurately match the words that are spoken and are synchronized to the audio.
  • Other elements to consider:
    • Credits: Displaying the names of speakers, logos of the organizations involved, etc.
    • Post-production: Color correction and grading, visual effects, etc., can enhance your videos for viewers.

7. Post-production: Exporting & Exhibition

  • When you have finished editing your video, the next step is to export it as a file that can be shared on the desired digital platform (MP4, MOV, etc.)
  • While posting your video, consider adding a caption (social media) or description (YouTube, Vimeo, etc.) that will help contextualize the video for viewers and/or link to other relevant resources you want them to see.

Creating a video is a multifaceted process, however, there are many accessible resources that can help you bring your vision to life. By applying these steps and refining each element, you can produce a final product that not only meets your objectives but also resonates with your audience.