Count the number of participants in the group and divide them into groups of 3-4 individuals in one group. If possible make sure to separate people who already know each other. If possible, make sure that the individuals physically move from one location to another in the room to join their group. (For example, dividing a group of fifteen into three groups of five participants each, going around the room and having participants count themselves into a group by saying 1, 2, 3 is a good way of ensuring that participants interact with people other than those they are sitting next to.)
Groups take 1-2 minutes to discuss and identify 3 big values that emerged from the Individual activity in Step 2. Once finished, one of the group members transfers the top values onto a large post-it that is the group’s poster.
For the next step, the group brainstorms 1-3 actionable steps each of the group members can easily take to uphold their listed value systems, which will also be represented on the posters under the appropriate value. Give participants 3-5 minutes and ask each group to identify a scribe before starting the discussion.
Then each group shares the information listed on its poster and explains their decisions out loud to all workshop participants. Make sure to remind participants to listen to one another attentively. Then ask participants to share their observations on some of the similarities and differences which emerge in the group posters. Give participants 1-3 minutes (no need to communicate this timeframe, just make sure most participants get a chance to speak).
Finally, the facilitator invites workshop attendees to walk around the room holding a writing utensil, a pen or a marker, and vote on the values and actions which should be included in the CM for the group. Two symbols are used in voting, O (circle) and * (star). The Circle stands for the actions, while the Star showcases the overarching value. Give participants 1-3 minutes. We have found it useful for participants to place as many circles or stars at any item as they want to.
Image 3. Sample groups responses with individual votes
As facilitator, end this phase by expressing gratitude for everyone’s participation, openness to share their thoughts and perspectives with the group. It might be helpful to encourage all to return for the following session to see the results of their hard work. Finally, applaud the participants and invite them to do the same.