
Recap Video Black New England Conference 2023

On October 20-21, 2023, the Black Heritage Trail of New Hampshire partnered with Northeastern University and the Reckonings Project to host the 17th Annual Black New England Conference: I, Too, Sing: Art, Music, and Writing in Our BIPOC Communities in the Fenway Center on the Boston campus. The conference focused on how BIPOC artists use the transformative power of the arts for empowerment and social change. Reckonings PI Dr. Kabria Baumgartner served on the organizing committee. By bringing together community members, scholars, independent researchers, and artists, the conference served as both an academic gathering and a lively celebration of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) history, culture, and life.

Over the course of the event, Reckonings Multimedia Editor Co-op Kelsey Zhen recorded video and interviews with the conference participants, assembling the experience into a mini-documentary video that captures the experience of the event and highlights some of the speakers and performances that featured throughout the conference. Watch the full video on the Reckonings YouTube channel here.

“The panelists gathered all challenge the misconception that a single white perspective defines the pinnacle of artistic excellence,” says JerriAnne Boggis, Executive Director at the Black Heritage Trail of New Hampshire. “This conference offers a platform for creators to discuss their work with other communities of color and explore the many ways we learn from each other, build on what’s been done, or create something completely new that empowers us all.”